Did you tired of the clutter of individual purchases and monitoring your purchasing processes in multiple applications?

A century ago, purchases were only considered minor activities. It was not until recently that even becoming a department by itself had become real.Nowadays technology and the internet make everything possible.

Everything on one screen and an integrated system managed by e purchasing can make everything easier for you.
E-procurement is the online purchasing of goods and services by companies or individuals using electronic software.

Software that makes trading easier for you automates all manual processes, from demand creation to payment to vendor. The term E purchase covers e-commerce sites and supplier websites. Online businesses, required by the digital era, allow for a more efficient, predictable, transparent and secure purchasing process. Systems with up-to-date information about your business needs.

In case of stocks becoming exhausted, it helps you to contact vendors (suppliers) for automatic shipment of materials, and to request offers. It enables you to manage tender processes in the most efficient way.


It allows you to track all the steps that allow you to receive prices from suppliers, perform assessments and make comparisons with your orders online. E-Purchasing is an application/tool that helps organizations and businesses reduce purchasing costs and accelerates these operations.

It allows you to follow-up bids received from suppliers via electronic purchasing. You know what to expect and you can track order progress. Real-time traceability facilitates the monitoring of electronically executed activities. You can see the estimated delivery date of a product and easily obtain information. It will also be easy for you to access financial records stored electronically.

Unlike conventional tenders: you do not deal with a long and arduous process when making e-purchases. B2B applications create a full digital conversion space for online purchases.

Purchase Software SmartProcure provides convenience with just a click of a button.

Complete your purchasing processes with a few clicks


E-Purchasing Benefits

All suppliers and sellers can be easily reached online.

You can receive multiple quotes without depending on a single supplier and choose the option that works best for you.

It offers reliability just as you can proceed quickly. Today, if you were told that many tenders are conducted online, what would you think? No one will be surprised by this any longer. Businesses experience a kind of digital consciousness. Companies that rely on the power of the Internet and technology are succeeding in turning this situation in their favor.

Who will benefit from e-procurement? Company owners, managers and users.

Company owners benefit from increasing employee performance and saving time.

Helps reduce costs for procurement teams. These purchasing software facilitate file management and help prevent repetitive purchases. Savings doors for company owners can open. Purchasing software such as SmartProcure can be evaluated to ensure continuity of operations and seating into a system. You can easily access many reports with a single click.

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