Get All Your Orders with One Click and Keep Control in Your Purchases

One-Touch Orders with the Order Tracking Module. Be the strongest with the simplest transactions

Easy to list

You can fully manage your delivery process by adding your confirmed orders to the list of orders ready for shipment. You can easily list all your orders through SmartProcure’s simple and straightforward interfaces.

Don't worry about what your order is like

You can display your pending, confirmed, and rejected orders in a snapshot to ensure the most efficient management of the process and track the stages of your order with automated report designs prepared exclusively for you.

Discover the Beauties of Order Tracking Module

What happened to our order?

Create records of your orders via web-based software to follow the entire process live. Give your mobile devices a magical touch to your purchasing process, even while on the go.

Search with ease

With easy search filters, speed up the administration process by listing your orders as desired. SmartProcure searches the name or code of your products to make your orders fast and easy to find.

Immediate reports

SmartProcure provides you with healthy reports containing all the details about your orders. You can thus monitor your order processes in real time with reports designed specifically for you.

Migrate your approvals to the system

Digitize the approval hierarchy in your company so that you can accelerate your communication and coordination processes and manage your purchasing approvals from a single center.

Don't delay your deliveries

You can coordinate your shipping schedule and operations by selecting the delivery dates for your orders. It won’t delay your manufacturing and won’t disrupt your business.

Direct orders

You can accelerate your purchase process with the Direct Order feature for materials and suppliers with continuous purchases.

Custom Report Designs

Don't get lost in documents

Stay out of paper work thanks to enhanced displays and pleasant interfaces. If you wish, you can also print all of your reports instantly.

No more writing reports for hours

Did you know that 82% percent of your time was spent preparing reports during the purchasing process?

Keep your workloads to a minimum

SmartProcure automatically prepares new reports for you to build basics of performance information into your company’s support system.

Instant, super-fast reports

The push reports save you time and money, enable you to make better decisions and generate better insights. The SmartProcure delivers real-time results at your fingertips.

Super Fast Orders

Don't delay your orders

You can take quick action and prevent delays in your orders with the Super Fast Order module offered by SmartProcure.

Keep your production running

One of the biggest problems that the procurement units face is the disruption of the production due to delays in orders. Place orders on the system according to the urgency level and plan your production.

Stay in control of your purchase

You can plan your purchases from request to quote and order to delivery using digital screens and become fully aware of your processes at any time with instant notifications.

How about doubling your order speed?