Work Stress-free and Enjoyable with SmartProcure

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Make Your Life Easier With Cloud-Based Software

Conduct Business from All Smart Devices

SmartProcure is Web-based software with pleasant interfaces. You can log into the system from any smart device with Internet connection and gain speed in your purchasing processes.

Work Like The Entire Company Is In The Same Place

You can have the opportunity to work on one screen, just like you work with your entire team. You can collect your bids through the system by creating your request without the Procurement Unit.

Transparent Control >>

Custom Report Designs

Don't get lost in documents

Stay out of paper work thanks to enhanced displays and pleasant interfaces. If you wish, you can also print all of your reports instantly.

Keep your workload to a minimum

SmartProcure automatically prepares new reports for you, which will build core performance information into your company’s support system.

Discover Advanced Reporting >>

Super Fast Orders

Keep your production running

One of the biggest problems that the procurement units face is the disruption of the production due to delays in orders. Place orders on the system according to the urgency level and plan your production.

Stay in control of your purchase

You can plan your purchases on digital screens - from request to offer and order to delivery - and become fully aware of your processes at any time with instant notifications.

How about doubling the speed of your team?