Boost Performance with Strategic Purchase

Improve the efficiency of your single-screen purchase processes with Reporting and Analysis Capability.

Report on Supplier

You can see on one screen how much you work with, how much you order, how much on average, how much time you work.

Measure Your Performance

View your currency dependency with order reports, and get consolidated project and company reports back quickly with one click. You don't spend long creating reports.

Report Your Projects in Detail

In each of your projects, you can see your favorite materials group-by-group and see your favorite suppliers on one screen.

Discover Advanced Reporting >>

How Would You Like To Discover Our Reporting And Analysis Capabilities Together?

Order Reports

Analyze your orders with multiple dimensions through detailed material, supplier, and time reports.

Transformation Reports

Analyze conversion rate of purchase process rings with conversion reports, improving your process efficiency.

Project Reports

Analyze your purchase processes on a project basis, increase the efficiency of all your projects.

Supplier Reports

You can analyze purchase processes you conduct with suppliers, strengthen your hand in your purchase operations.

Material Reports

Analyze your purchase processes from material perspective, improve material-based performance of your projects.

Store Reports

You can easily manage your purchase with parameters such as your warehouse's inventory value, usage trends.

Unlimited Instant Reports

Instant Transportation to Past Prices

Reduce money losses by quickly reaching out how much your supplier has priced you in the past with the Advanced Reporting Module.

Detailed Analysis

By getting detailed reports on each order, every product, every supplier, you can improve your analytical power and be a few steps ahead of your competitors. And snapshots will save you a lot of time.

Custom Reports

Don't get lost between documents

Don't worry about paperwork with advanced displays and pleasant interfaces. If you like, you can get all your reports out on the spot.

Minimize your workload

Team will automatically prepare new reports that will base basic performance information on your company's support system.

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