Want to make your business more flexible, faster and more efficient?

Digitalization will undoubtedly be the first step. The use of advanced reporting for purchasing operations, enhanced automations, cloud-based systems, software, and robotic systems will be part of this digital process.

As is known from Procurement 4.0, the Group aims to digitalize and in a way increase performance and satisfaction. The change of the acquisition in the last three decades has yielded tremendous results. It is possible to make faster decisions in analysis processes, gather data faster, cut delivery times, reduce costs and improve quality.

You may be curious about how you can digitize the demands, which are one of the first steps of purchasing, to make your business easier during this operational process.

How to collect and plan your digital requests?

The purchasing process is quite standardized overall. A request is created for the required materials, and then the supplier search begins to confirm the created request and create the order. After being agreed with the supplier, procurement begins.

Delivery time is set for the purchased products or services and if all goes well, delivery is completed. Although rarely, problems may arise in the procurement process. In particular, manual demands may not coincide with supply. Shortcomings in delivery may occur or inconsistencies may occur.

Lack of transparency, miscommunication between purchasing and other departments, or lack of information on why the purchase requisitions are being requested may disrupt the flow. Managing your demands through digital means will eliminate the majority of the problems. It will also make planning for requests easier.

What Does Request Management System Do?

Request management is a methodology in which demand forecasts are performed and various plans are made and managed for the required products and services. It enables you to manage all your requests from a single point and track your business on a single screen.

The request management system provides coordination between departments and is the first step in digitizing your processes. Requests from all company employees or team leaders are collected via digital forms in a centralized system. The swift recovery of claims makes it easier for you to manage your urgent work.

You can streamline your business process by eliminating potential disruptions. You can determine your low-urgency tasks on the system and plan your purchasing strategy accordingly. Your digital demand management will enable you to make the right moves.

Web-based request management systems enable you to create online demand forms. You can access request management systems from anywhere with one click without being tied to any devices and having to deal with the restrictions of offline systems. No time or space constraints, this system makes it easy to gather office and field requests in a single location. You can also increase the efficiency of your purchasing department by saving time.

Meet purchase requisitions at super-fast speed

Bring SmartProcure collaboration and coordination to the top

How can you plan your purchase requisitions?

Using software can make things easier when you can make demands that you can create online from web or cloud-based systems. You can use a procurement software to delegate authority among your employees, upload technical and official documents related to your requests, prioritize your requests, track the status of your requests, receive a deadline and evaluate the performance of your requests.

The purchasing software you use for your digital business allows you to automate your business, as well as provide you with automated process management. All you need to do is make the critical decisions and prioritize the tasks.

SmartProcure lets you collect and plan your requests digitally. You can control your requests and track the entire process from a single screen. You can increase your internal coordination with SmartProcure and start winning.

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