We can say that the digital transformation process has gained great momentum with Industry 4.0. This new phase is the first step of digitalization and has led to various innovations in the supply chain.

This allowed businesses to create a digital road map with the supply chain and to reach their targets in this context. In Procurement 4.0 it can be explained as a digital revolution following Industry 4.0.

With the onset of the e-commerce industry, digitalization has become a part of, and even a part of, everyday life. Did you know that more than 1.6 billion people shop via e-commerce sites, the penetration rate of e-commerce, the total value of the global e-commerce market in 2016 was US 1.9 trillion, and that more than 1 billion people are expected to shop online across the border in 2020*1?

The growing e-commerce and purchasing market has brought with it certain developments and innovations in the logistics industry. Brands set up their own logistics systems and fleets to improve delivery times. It is thus evident that logistics companies cannot escape from digital transformation.


How would you create your digital roadmap with your supply chain?

The general view of supply chain managers is that there is a need for a plan for digital initiatives and a broader organization. They think that they need to have a broad knowledge of what is going on in the ecosystem and what kind of authorization to give. Monitoring digital projects plays an important role in this.

For a roadmap, it is necessary that the entire business accepts this vision. It is important to eliminate confusion and take steps to ensure voting and target strategies. Common problems need to be identified in systems related to ERP, and steps need to be taken to solve these problems.

A project management system covering the entire process will be useful to establish cost control and direction. It may be necessary to manage all the software and systems used by the supply chain and purchasing departments on a single panel.

Procurement software mainly meets the needs of the procurement and procurement units, but falls short of working in coordination. They may not be able to help you with your roadmap to grow your business. It is important to create the infrastructure you need in order to increase your management power and increase your productivity.

Software that has been developed for purchasing professionals and managers to handle procurement challenges is sure to make your digital roadmap easier. To create your digital roadmap with your supply chain, these 4 steps will suffice for you;

  • Building Claim

    You can use a system to create your orders online. You can track the approval of your claims and prioritize them according to their urgency.

  • Collection of Proposals

    Collecting bids from suppliers may have been a busy and challenging process in the past. Software that has been developed today allows you to obtain online proposal forms from suppliers and to price materials requested. It also compares past offers, allowing you to hard bargain.

  • Place Order

    After comparing all the offerings, you can determine the best one via the system and easily turn it into an order. Web-based systems allow you to quickly obtain approval for orders and wait for delivery.

  • Receive

    You can track the delivery period of the product and the goods, and record the product with the invoice after receiving to prevent confusion. This makes it easier to complete the process.

Secure rings in your supply chain

All workloads are handled by SmartProcure’s advanced purchasing process management for you.

You can collect, process and analyze data easily on software for your digital roadmap. You can manage processes that protect you from potential risks and maximize productivity in your purchasing decisions with a single screen. As a web-based software system that incorporates all these features, SmartProcure software helps you create your digital transformation map in procurement.

1. Source of information: https://tusiad.org/tr/basin-bultenleri/item/download/9041_61132f5df158cbb724c1341e052792c7

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