Build Price Database and Stop Expensive Purchases

Get a Full Understanding of the Details with the Material Management Module

Get Past Prices Instantly

You can see the previous order price of your materials with a single click and negotiate with your supplier before creating a new order. This way, you can create a culture of data monitoring within the company by increasing your bargaining power.

View Your Supplies in a Wide Range

You can see all of your materials’ information and activity history on a single screen. Also, if the exchange rates change for materials you buy in foreign currency, you can take prevention quickly and increase your profitability.

Get Unlimited Detailed Reports

You can see the price of the purchased materials and instantly report on how many suppliers you are working with. Remember, quick reporting will save you time.

Ready to discover the functional features of the Material Tracking Module?

Most Used Materials

Your orders will be faster with single-click imaging of your most frequently used items.

Currency Distribution

You can increase the efficiency of your foreign currency expenditures by viewing the distribution of purchased materials by currency on a single screen.

Project-Based Material Monitoring

You can view all your material transactions related to your projects and manage your operations by looking at them from a material perspective.

Order History

You can instantly access order history of all your materials and perform detailed review of the date, amount and price of the materials in question.

Supplier History

You can view the history of your materials based on suppliers, instantly access supplier related transactions and make evaluations about your suppliers

Discover Supplier Management >>

Bulk Material Addition

You can transfer all of your materials to the system with the touch of a button and use the software immediately to achieve productivity with no installation thanks to the Cloud-based structure.

Price Database

Collect bids from your suppliers

A price database is created quickly and automatically with offers collected from all of your suppliers in one click. Thus, you can observe all prices and carry out your analyzes.

Accelerate your orders

SmartProcure uses the price database you built in advance to help you accelerate your orders and make long-term planning.

Discover Order Management >>

Current Unit Prices

Don't miss out on unit prices

Unit price monitoring allows your company to manage costs accurately. You can instantly access the up-to-date unit prices and enhance purchasing.

Increase your profitability

SmartProcure helps you avoid financial losses by finding suppliers at the lowest costs. This way, you can double your company's profits each day.

Recover >>

Product tree

Classify your products

SmartProcure’s advanced screens allow you to classify your products and easily define materials. This way, your whole team works with pleasure in the most practical way.

Provide regular monitoring

As a result of the right classification of your products, the SmartProcure can help you take a broad perspective on your operations and regularly monitor your products. This way, you can increase your work efficiency by focusing on the big picture, not the details.

Discover Search & Filtering >>

Want to see the big picture in Materials Management?